

Die nationalen Vergleichsberichte stehen auf der Webseite von ANQ zum Download bereit:

  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
    • Vangelooven, C., et al. (2017). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2016 - Erwachsene: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Bernet, N., et al. (2017). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2016 - Dekubitus Kinder. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., et al. (2017). Auswertungskonzept ANQ. Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz & Dekubitus Erwachsene und Dekubitus Kinder, ab 2016 Version 3.0. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken ANQ; Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., et al. (2017). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2016 - Erwachsene: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
  • 2016
    • Vangelooven, C., et al. (2016). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus - Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2015 - Erwachsene, Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., et al. (2016). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus Kinder - Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2015, Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
  • 2015
    • Vangelooven, C., Schwarze, T., Richter, D., Liechti, N., Lapanik, Z., Moser, R., . . . Hahn, S. (2015). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus Kinder: Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2014. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Schwarze, T., Richter, D., Liechti, N., Moser, R., Lapanik, Z., . . . Hahn, S. (2015). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2014 - Erwachsene. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Schwarze, T., Richter, D., Bernet, N., & Hahn, S. (2015). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz, Dekubitus und Dekubitus Kinder 2014: Kurzbericht Ergebnisindikatoren für Spitalkoordinator/innen. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Bernet, N., Schweikert, D., Moser, R., Prof. Dr. Richter, D., & Prof. Hahn, S. (2015). Mesure nationale de la prévalence chutes, escarres et escarres enfants 2013, Rapport Comparatif Cantonal Mesure 2013 Canton de Vaud. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Richter, D., Vangelooven, C., & Hahn, S. (2015). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus – Erwachsene, Evaluation der Risikoadjustierungs-Methode. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
  • 2014
    • Vangelooven, C., Kunz, S., Richter, D., Zürcher, S., Grossmann, N., Blaettler, T., & Hahn, S. (2014). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2013 - Erwachsene. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Conca, A., Kunz, S., Thomas, K., Grossmann, N., Hahn, S. (2014). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus Kinder: Nationaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2013. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Kunz, S., & Hahn, S. (2014). Auswertungskonzept ANQ. Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz & Dekubitus Erwachsene und Dekubitus Kinder, ab 2013 (2.1 ed.). Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken ANQ; Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Liechti, N., Schneuwly, V., & Hahn, S. (2014). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus: Kantonaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2012 - Erwachsene Kanton Aargau. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Liechti, N., Schneuwly, V., & Hahn, S. (2014). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus: Kantonaler Vergleichsbericht Messung 2012 - Erwachsene Kanton Nidwalden. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Kunz, S., Liechti, N., Schneuwly, V., & Hahn, S. (2014). Mesure nationale de la prévalence des chutes et escarres: Rapport Comparatif Cantonal Mesure 2013 - Adultes Canton du Jura Bern: Association nationale pour le développement de la qualité dans les hôpitaux et les cliniques (ANQ), Haute école spécialisée bernoise, section Santé, Département Recherche appliquée et développement, prestations de service.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Kunz, S., Liechti, N., Schneuwly, V., & Hahn, S. (2014). Misurazione nazionale degli indicatori di prevalenza caduta e decubito: Rapporto comparativo del Canton Ticino. Misurazione 2012 – Adulti. Bern: Associazione nazionale per lo sviluppo della qualità in ospedali e cliniche (ANQ), Scuola universitaria professionale di Berna, settore sanità, Reparto ricerca e sviluppo applicati, servizio.
  • 2013
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Kunz, S., Grossmann, N., & Hahn, S. (2013). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Schlussbericht Messung 2012. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., Kunz, S., & Hahn, S. (2013). Auswertungskonzept ANQ. Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus, Version 2.0 (Vol. 2). Bern: Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung, Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken ANQ.
  • 2012
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2012). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus. Schlussbericht Messung 2011. Bern: Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken (ANQ), Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
    • Vangelooven, C., Hahn, S., Gehrlach, C., Conca, A., & Richter, D. (2012). Auswertungskonzept ANQ Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz / Dekubitus (0.3 ed.). Bern Nationaler Verein für Qualitätsentwicklung in Spitälern und Kliniken ANQ; Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Abteilung angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung, Dienstleistung.
  • 2019
    • Verenso & LPZ. Factsheet ‘ Verblijfsduur verpleeghuispatiënten langer dan negen maanden’
  • 2015
    • Halfens, R. J. G., et al. (2015). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen Rapportage resultaten 2015. Maastricht Universiteit Maastricht, CAPHRI school for Public Health and Primary care, Department of Health Services Research.
  • 2014
    • Halfens RJG, JMM Meijers, E Meesterberends, JCL Neyens, AALM Rondas, S Rijcken, S Wolters en JMGA Schols (2014). Rapportage Resultaten Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2014. Maastricht: Maastricht University, oktober 2014.
  • 2013
    • Halfens RJG, NC van Nie, JMM Meijers, E Meesterberends, JCL Neyens, AALM Rondas, S Rijcken, S Wolters en JMGA Schols (2013). Rapportage Resultaten Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2013. Maastricht: Maastricht University, oktober 2013.
  • 2012
    • Halfens RJG, JMM Meijers, E Meesterberends, NC van Nie, JCL Neyens, ALM Rondas en JMGA Schols (2012). Rapportage Resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2012. Maastricht: Maastricht University, oktober 2012.
  • 2011
    • Halfens RJG, E Meesterberends, JMM Meijers, MFMT DuMoulin, NC van Nie, JCL Neyens en Schols JMGA (2011). Rapportage Resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2011. Maastricht: Maastricht University, november 2011.
  • 2010
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, DuMoulin MFMT, van Nie NC, Neyens JCL en Schols JMGA (2010). Rapportage Resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2010. Maastricht: Maastricht University, september 2010.
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, DuMoulin MFMT, van Nie NC, Neyens JCL en Schols JMGA (2010). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2010 Kort en bondig. Maastricht: Maastricht University, september 2010.
  • 2009
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Schols JMGA (2009). Rapportage Resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2009. Maastricht: Maastricht University, september 2009.
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Schols JMGA (2009). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting 2009 Kort en Bondig. Maastricht: Maastricht University, september 2009.
  • 2008
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Offermans MPW (2008). Rapportage Resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2008. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, september 2008.
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Offermans MPW (2008). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2008 Kort en Bondig. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, september 2008.
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Offermans MPW (2008). National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems 2008 At a Glance. Maastricht: Maastricht University, september 2008.
  • 2007
    • Halfens RJG, Meijers JMM, Neyens JCL en Offermans MPW (2007). Rapportage resultaten: Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen 2007. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, november 2007.
  • 2006
    • Halfens RJG, Janssen MAP, Meijers JMM en Wansink SW (2006). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen: Resultaten negende jaarlijkse meting 2006. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN-10: 90-806663-7-8 ISBN-13: 978-90-806663-7-5
    • Ronda G, van Steenkiste B, van der Weijden T, Grol R (begeleider) i.s.m. Halfens RJG en Hulsenboom H (2006). Decubitus in de zorg : ontwikkeling, implementatie en evaluatie van 'best practices’ op het terrein van de preventie en behandeling van decubitus in de thuiszorg. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
  • 2005
    • Du Moulin MFMT, Halfens RJG, Paulus A, Berendsen CL, Heynen HAL en Hamers, JPH (2005). Effectiviteit integrale incontinentieproblematiek : een pilot study. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
    • Halfens RJG, Janssen MAP, Meijers JMM en Wansink SW (2005). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen: Resultaten achtste jaarlijkse meting 2005. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 10 90.806663-6X ISBN 13. 978-90-806663- 6-8
    • Hulsenboom MA en Halfens RJG (2005). Eindverslag : een doelmatige preventie en behandeling van decubitus in de thuissituatie door een adequaat gebruik van anti-decubitusmaterialen. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
  • 2004
    • Halfens RJG, Janssen MAP, Meijers JMM en Wansink SW (2004). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Decubitus en andere zorgproblemen: herziene resultaten zevende jaarlijkse meting 2004. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90 -806663-5-1.
    • Halfens RJG en Wansink SW (2004). Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Decubitus en andere zorgproblemen: resultaten zevende jaarlijkse meting 2004. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90 -806663-4-3.
    • Halfens RJG, Bronner CM en Hollands L (2004). Ontwikkeling (bij)scholingsprogramma preventie en behandeling decubitus voor verpleegkundigen en verzorgenden. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
    • Needham I en Halfens RJG (co-promotor) (2004). A nursing intervention to handle patient aggression. Maastricht: Datawyse/Universitaire Pers.
  • 2003
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Wansink SW (2003). Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: resultaten zesde jaarlijkse meting 2003. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90 -806663-3-5.
    • Mistiaans P, Wagner C, Bours GJJW en Halfens RJG (2003). Prevalentiemetingen van smetten in Nederlandse intramurale zorginstellingen. NIVEL: Utrecht, p. 21.
  • 2002
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Wansink SW (2002). Landelijk prevalentie onderzoek decubitus: resultaten vijfde jaarlijkse meting 2002. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-806663-2-7.
    • Bours G, Defloor T, Wansink SW and Clark M (2002). Summary report on pressure ulcer prevalence: data collected in Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom over the 14th and 15th of November 2001. [S.l.]: EPUAP, 2001.
  • 2001
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Bosker L (2001). Drie jaar landelijk registreren: hoe nu verder? Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Joosten CMC (2001). Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: resultaten vierde jaarlijkse meting 2001. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht. ISBN 90-806663-1-9.
  • 2000
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Joosten CMC (2000).Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: resultaten derde jaarlijkse meting 2000. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
  • 1999
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens RJG en Joosten CMC (1999). Landelijk prevalentie onderzoek decubitus: uitgebreide resultaten tweede jaarlijkse meting 1999. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht, Vakgroep Verplegingswetenschap, Stuurgroep Decubitus.
    • Bours, GJJW Halfens RJG en Joosten CMC (1999). Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: Resultaten tweede jaarlijkse meting 1999. 2e herziene druk. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
  • 1998
    • Bours, GJJW Halfens RJG en de Winter A (1998). Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: Uitgebreide resultaten eerste jaarlijkse meting 1998. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
    • Bours GJJW, Halfens, RJG en de Winter A (1998). Landelijk Prevalentie Onderzoek Decubitus: Resultaten eerste jaarlijkse meting 1998 op instellingsniveau. Maastricht: Universiteit Maastricht.
  • 2022
    • Bernet, N. S., Thomann, S., Kurpicz-Briki, M., Roos, L., Everink, I. H. J., Schols, J., & Hahn, S. (2022). Potential of Electronic Medical Record Data for National Quality Measurement. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 292, 51-56.
    • Bernet, N. S., Everink, I. H. J., Schols, J. M. G. A., Halfens, R. J. G., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2022). Hospital performance comparison of inpatient fall rates; the impact of risk adjusting for patient-related factors: a multicentre cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 225.
  • 2021
    • Thomann, S., Hahn, S., Bauer, Silvia, Richter, D. & Zwakhalen, S. (2021). Variation in restraint use between hospitals: a multilevel analysis of multicentre prevalence measurements in Switzerland and Austria. BMC Health Services Research, 21.
    • Thomann, S., Hahn, S., Schmitt, K.-U., Barbezat, I., Siegrist-Dreier, S., & Richter, D. (2021). Restraint use as a quality indicator for the hospital setting: a secondary data analysis. Swiss Medical Weekly, 151, w30043.
    • Thomann, S., Zwakhalen, S., Richter, D., Bauer, S., & Hahn, S. (2021). Restraint use in the acute-care hospital setting: a cross-sectional multi-centre study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 114.
    • Riedweg, J., Kammer, L., Thomann, S. & Bernet, N. (2021). Schutz vor Sturz und Dekubitus. NOVAcura, 52.
    • Kammer, L., Thomann, S. & Hahn, S. (2021). Mangelernährte Patienten im Spital besser betreuen. Competence 5/2021, 18-19.
  • 2020
    • Luck, M. & Thomann, S. (2020). Sturzprävention erfolgreich und nachhaltig implementieren. Krankenpflege, 10.
    • Hahn, S., Kammer, L. & Röösli, R. (2020). Ernährung, Pflege- und Lebensqualität Wichtiges Trio in der Alters- und Langzeitpflege. NOVAcura. Das Fachmagazin für Pflege und Betreuung, 51(10), 9-12.
  • 2019
    • Kammer, L., Röösli, R., Thomann, S., & Schlunegger, M. (2019). Qualität messen und steigern Querschnitterhebung zu Mangelernährung in Akutspitälern. Krankenpflege, 11/2019, 17-19.
  • 2018
    • Schlunegger, M., Thomann, S., & Vangelooven, C. (2018). Risikogruppe für Mangelernährung. Krankenpflege | Soins infirmiers | Cure infermieristiche, 10, 30-31.
    • Thomann, S., Schlunegger, M., & Vangelooven, C. (2018). Mit Sturzprävention Kosten senken. Competence, 9, 2.
  • 2016
    • Zürcher, S. J., Vangelooven, C., Borter, N., Schnyder, D., & Hahn, S. (2016). Psychometric testing of the Italian and French versions of the Care Dependency Scale. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(1), 3207–3215. doi:10.1111/jan.13077
  • 2015
    • Thomas, K., Mischke, C., Vangelooven, C. (2015) Eine nationale Prävalenzerhebung des Qualitätsindikators Sturz im Spital: Kognitive Inhaltsvalidierung der Schweizer Version des Fragebogens Sturz. Pflegewissenschaft, 12/2015, 650-658 .
    • Lang, K., & Vangelooven, C. (2015). Risikoeinschätzung von Dekubitus. Methoden im Vergleich. Pflegewissenschaft. Krankenpflege. Soins infirmiers. Cure infermieristiche., 9/2015, 24-26.
  • 2013
    • Vangelooven C & S Hahn (2013). Datenerhebung zur Häufigkeit von Sturz und Dekubitus. Eine Hilfe auf dem Weg zur Qualitätsentwicklung und Professionalisierung in der Langzeitpflege? Nova, 44(3), 51-53.
  • 2016
    • Vangelooven, C., Mooser, F., & Kunz, S. (2016, 1-2. September 2016). In-hospital usage of nursing quality performance data on pressure ulcers and falls: a national online survey. Paper presented at the SCHP, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • 2015
    • Fumasoli, A., Richter, D., Thomas, K., Schlüer, AB., & Vangelooven, C. (2015) Pflegequalität und Dekubitus bei Kindern: Resultate der ersten Schweizweiten Prävalenzmessung, Paper presented at the 3-Länderkonferenz Pflege und Pflegewissenschaft, Konstanz.
  • 2014
    • Kunz, S., Richter, D., Hahn, S., Mooser, F., Thomas, K., Blaettler, T., & Vangelooven, C. (2014). Quality Measures in Swiss Acute Care Hospital Settings: State of the Art (Poster Presentation). Paper presented at the 3rd Swiss Symposium on Health Services Research, Bern.
    • Vangelooven, C., Kunz, S., Mooser, F., Heller, R., Richter, D., Thomas, K., & Hahn, S. (2014, 11./12. März 2014). Visualizing and comparing nursing quality: The national prevalence measurement of pressure ulcers and in-patient falls (Poster presentation). Paper presented at the 3. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, Bern.
    • Vangelooven, C., Kunz, S., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2014). Performance measurement in the Swiss public hospital sector: towards successful promotion of performance based accountability systems. Paper presented at the 10th Transatlantic Dialogue Conference, Lugano, Switzerland.
    • Vangelooven, C., & Heller, R. (2014, 2. / 3. Juni 2014). ANQ: Je höher die Erfassungsqualität desto stärker die Aussage (oral presentation). Paper presented at the careArt basel – Kongress für Pflegefachpersonen, Basel.
  • 2013
    • Vangelooven, C., Heller, R., Richter, D., Kunz, S., Grossmann, N., & Hahn, S. (2013). Pressure ulcer and in-patient fall rates: results from two national prevalence measurements and effects of first time public disclosure measures (Poster Presentation). Paper presented at the ISQua's 30th International Conference, Quality and Safety in Population and Health care, Edinburgh.
    • Vangelooven, C., Kunz, S., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2013 March 18-22, 2013). Adverse events: Data on Falls and Pressure Ulcer Prevalence in Swiss Acute Care Hospitals (Poster Presentation) Paper presented at the International Conference “Communicating medical errors” (COME), Monte Verità, Ascona.
    • Vangelooven, C., Kunz, S., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2013). Promoting safe care: a systematic approach to measure falls and pressure ulcer prevalence in Swiss acute care hospitals. Paper presented at the ENDA: Nursing in the Stream of Excellence (Poster Presentation), Zürich.
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2013, June 23-27, 2013). Risk-adjusted hospital comparisons of pressure ulcers and falls. Contribution to the knowledge on risk factors in older age, data from Switzerland (oral presentation). Paper presented at the The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Digital @geing: A New Horizon for Health Care and Active Ageing Coex, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2012
    • Vangelooven, C., Hahn, S., & Heller, R. (2012). Falls and Pressure Ulcer Prevalence in Swiss Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the first quality assessment on a national scale (oral presentation). Paper presented at the ISQua 29th International Conference, Geneva 2012: Advancing Quality and Safety for All; Now and in the Future Geneva.
  • 2019
    • Bernet, N., & Osmancevic, S. (2019). Sturz! Internationaler Vergleich zwischen Österreich, Schweiz und Niederlande über die Jahre 2016 und 2017. Paper presented at the Geriatriekongress Wien, Wien.
    • Thomann, S. (2019). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus: Wissensgenerierung für die Praxis? Paper presented at the 14. Nottwiler Wundforum SKINTACT, Nottwil.
    • Thomann, S., Richter, D., Schmitt, K.-U., Barbezat, I., Halfens, R. J. G., & Hahn, S. (2019). Restrictive measures in general hospitals - time to look at it. Paper presented at the EDCNS, Graz.
    • Kammer, L., & Röösli, R. (2019). Mangelernährung: Ein vernachlässigter Pflegeindikator? Paper presented at the SBK-Kongress, Basel.
  • 2015
    • Richter, D., Fumasoli, A., & Vangelooven, C. (2015). Präsentation und Diskussion der deskriptiven Ergebnisse der nationalen Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus Kinder 2013. Paper presented at the ANQ Fachtagung Dekubitus Kinder, Olten.
    • Richter, D. (2015). Risikoadjustierte Daten der Prävalenzmessung Dekubitus Kinder 2013. Paper presented at the ANQ Fachtagung Dekubitus Kinder, Olten.
  • 2014
    • Vangelooven, C., & Heller, R. (2014, 2. / 3. Juni 2014). ANQ: Je höher die Erfassungsqualität desto stärker die Aussage (oral presentation). Paper presented at the careArt basel – Kongress für Pflegefachpersonen, Basel.
  • 2013
    • Vangelooven, C., Richter, D., & Hahn, S. (2013). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus 2011. Ergebnisse auf Struktur und Prozessebene (oral presentation), Olten, 07.03.2013.
    • Richter, D., Vangelooven, C., & Hahn, S. (2013). Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus 2011. Ergebnisse zu den Outcome-Indikatoren Dekubitus und Sturz (oral presentation), Olten, 07.03.2013.
  • 2012
    • Vangelooven, C., & Kunz, S. (2012). Prévalence chutes et escarres. La méthode LPZ. Paper presented at the Forum FoQual 2012: Les mesures de la qualité au niveau national: utiliser les résultats pour l’amélioration de la qualité (oral presentation), Genève, HUG.
  • 2011
    • Vangelooven, C., Gehrlach, C., Kunz, S., & Hahn, S. (2011). ANQ, Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus (oral presentation). Paper presented at the SBK Kongress 2011: Pflege 2020 – Positionen & Perspektiven Montreux.
  • 2020
    • Eglseer D, Huppertz V, Kammer L, Saka B, Schols J, Everink I. (2020). The quality of nutritional care in hospitals: Austria, Switzerland, and Turkey compared. Nutrition, 79.
  • 2014
    • Amir Y, Kottner J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Halfens R. (2014) Psychometric Properties of the Dutch National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems Used to Measure Quality of Pressure Ulcer Care in Indonesian Hospitals. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 27(8), 363-370.
    • Freijer K, MJL Bours, MJC Nuijten, MJ Poley, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens and JGMA Schols (2014). The Economic value of Enteral Medical Nutrition in the Management of Disease-Related Malnutrition: a Systematic Review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 15(1) 17-29.
    • Kottner J, Blume-Peytavi U, Lohrmann C, Halfens R. (2014) Associations between individual characteristics and incontinence-associated dermatitis: A secondary data analysis of a multi-centre prevalence study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. (in print).
    • Van der Maarel-Wierink, CD, JMM Meijers, LMC de Visschere, C de Baat, RJG Halfens and JMGA Schols (2014). Subjective dysphagia in older care home residents: A cross-sectional, multi-centre point prevalence measurement. International Journal of Nursing Studies 51(6) 875-881.
    • Meijers JMM, F Tan, JMGA Schols and RJG Halfens (2014). Nutritional Care, do process and structure indicators influence malnutrition prevalence over time? Clinical Nutrition, 2014, 33(3): 459-65.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols and RJG Halfens (2014). Malnutrition in care home residents with dementia. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, Vol 18 Nr 6.
    • Van Nie-Visser N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Spreeuwenberg M, Halfens R. (2014) Do structural quality indicators of nutritional care influence malnutrition prevalence in Dutch, German and Austrian nursing homes? Nutrition 2014 DOI:10.1016/j.nut.2014.04.015 in press.
    • Van Nie-Visser NC, JMM Meijers, JGMA Schols, C Lohrmann, S Bartholomeyczik, MD Spreeuwenberg and RJG Halfens (2014). Which characteristics of nursing home residents influence differences in malnutrition prevalence? An international comparison of The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. British Journal of Nutrition 111: 1129-1136.
    • Schlüer AB, JMGA Schols and RJG Halfens (2014). Risk and associated factors of pressure ulcers in hospitalized children over 1 year of age. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing; 1(2014): 80-89.
  • 2013
    • Amir Y, RJG Halfens, C Lohrmann and JMGA Schols (2013). Pressure ulcer prevalence and quality of care in stroke patients in an Indonesian hospital. Journal of Wound Care 22(5): 254-60.
    • Breimaier HE, RJG Halfens, D Wilborn, E Meesterberends, GH Nielsen and C Lohrmann (2013) Implementation interventions used in nursing homes and hospitals: a descriptive, comparative study between Austria, Germany, and The Netherlands. ISRN Nursing; 2013: ID706054.
    • Coleman S, C Gorecki, EA Nelson, SJ Closs, T Defloor, RJG Halfens, A Farrin, J Brown, L Schoonhoven and J Nixon (2013). Patient risk factors for pressure ulcer development: systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies; 50(7): 974-1003.
    • Freijer K, MJL Bours, MJC Nuijten, MJ Poley, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens and JGMA Schols (2013). The economic value of enteral medical nutrition in the management of disease-related malnutrition: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association: in press.
    • Freijer K, SS Tan, MA Koopmanschap, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens and MJC Nuijten (2013). The economic costs of disease related malnutrition. Clinical Nutrition 32: 136-41.
    • Halfens RJG, E Meesterberends, NC van Nie-Visser, C Lohrmann, S Schönherr, JMM Meijers, S Hahn, C Vangelooven, JMGA Schols (2013). International prevalence measurement of care problems: results. Journal of Advanced Nursing 69 (9) E5-E17.
    • Halfens RJG and JMM Meijers (2013). Back to basics: an introduction to statistics. Journal of Wound Care; 22(5): 248-51.
    • Kröpelin TF, JCL Neyens, RJG Halfens, GIJM Kempen and JPH Hamers (2013). Fall determinants in older long-term care residents with dementia: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics; 25(4): 549-63.
    • Van Leen M, S Hovius, RJG Halfens, JCL Neyens and JMGA Schols (2013). Pressure relief with visco-elastic foam or with combined static air overlay?: a prospective, crossover randomized clinical trial in a Dutch nursing home. Wounds; 25(10): 287-292.
    • Meesterberends E, RJG Halfens, MD Spreeuwenberg, TAW Ambergen, C Lohrmann, JCL Neyens and JMGA Schols (2013). Do Patients in Dutch Nursing Homes Have More Pressure Ulcers Than Patients in German Nursing Homes? A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study. JAMDA doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2013.03.005.
    • Meesterberends E, D Wilborn, C Lohrmann, JMGA Schols and RJG Halfens (2013). Knowledge and use of pressure ulcer preventive measures in nursing homes: a comparison of Dutch and German nursing staff. Journal of Clinical Nursing, doi:10.1111/jocn.12352
    • Meijers JMM, RJG Halfens, DM Mijnarends, H Mostert, JMGA Schols (2013) A feedback system to improve the quality of nutritional care. Nutrition 29, 1037-1041.
    • Mijnarends DM, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens, S ter Borg, YC Luiking, S Verlaan, D Schoberer, AJ Cruz Jentoft, LJC van Loon and JGMA Schols (2013). Validity and reliability of tools to measure muscle mass, strength and physical performance in community-dwelling older people: a systematic review. Journal of American Medical Directors Association; 14(3): 170-8
    • Neyens J, RJG Halfens, M Spreeuwenberg, JMM Meijers, Y Luiking, G Verlaan and JMGA Schols (2013). Malnutrition is associated with an increased risk of falls and impaired activity in elderly patients in Dutch residential long-term care (LTC): a cross sectional study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics; 56 (1): 265-9.
    • Van Nie-Visser NC, JMGA Schols, E Meesterberends, C Lohrmann, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens (2013). An international prevalence measurement of care problems: study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing 69 (9) E18-E29.
    • Rondas AALM, JGMA Schols, RJG Halfens and EE Stobberingh (2013). Swab versus biopsy for the diagnosis of chronic wounds. Advances in Skin and Wound Care; 26(5): 211-9.
    • Rondas AALM, JMGA Schols, EE Stobberingh and RJG Halfens (2013). Prevalence of chronic wounds and structural quality indicators of chronic wound care in Dutch nursing homes. International Wound Journal; doi:10.111/iwj. 12172
    • Schlüer AB, JGMA Schols and RJG Halfens (2013). Pressure ulcer treatment in pediatric patients. Advances in Skin and Wound Care; 26(11): 504-10.
    • Schönherr S, RJG Halfens, C Lohrmann (2013) Nutritional Care in Austrian Hospitals and Nursing Homes: a Comparison of Three Years. In: The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2013, 17 (Suppl1). The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul/Korea, 23. - 27.06.2013
    • Vangelooven C and S Hahn (2013). Datenerhebung zur Häufigkeit von Sturz und Dekubitus. Eine Hilfe auf dem Weg zur Qualitätsentwicklung und Professionalisierung in der Langzeitpflege? Nova 44(3): 51-53.
    • Watson R (2013) LPZ Report: Editorial. The LPZ Project. JAN, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 69, Issue 9, Aug. 2013
  • 2012
    • Freijer K, SS Tan, MA Koopmanschap, JMM Meijers, RJG Halfens and MJC Nuijten (2012). The economic costs of disease related malnutrition. Clinical Nutrition Epub 1-6.
    • Kröpelin TF, JCL Neyens, RJG Halfens, GIJM Kempen and JPG Hamers (2012). Fall determinants in demented, older persons in long-term care: a sysetmatic review. Submitted.
    • Meijers JMM, RJG Halfens, L Wilson and JMGA Schols (2012). Estimating the costs associated with malnutrition in Dutch nursing homes. Clinical Nutrition 3: 65-68.
    • Meijers JMM, RJG Halfens, JCL Neyens, YC Luiking, G Verlaan and JMGA Schols (2012). Predicting falls in elderly receiving homecare: the role of malnutrition and impaired mobility. The Journal of Nutrition, Health& Aging 16: 654-658.
    • Schlüer AB, RJG Halfens and JMGA Schols (2012). Pediatric pressure ulcer prevalence: a multi-center, cross-sectional, point prevalence study in Switzerland. Ostomy Wound Management 58(7): 18-31
    • Schoberer D, RJG Halfens, C Lohrmann (2012) Availiability of written patient information addressing certain nursing care problems in Austrian and Dutch hospitals and nursing homes: a cross-sectional study aimed at enhancing shared decision-making and person-centeredness. The international journal of person centered medicine 2(3): 437-444.
    • Schönherr S, RJG Halfens, JMM Meijers, JMGA Schols and C. Lohrmann (2012). Structural and process indicators of nutritional care: a comparison between Autrian hospitals and nursing homes. Nutrition 28(9): 868-73.
    • Schönherr S, M Mandl, C Lohrmann (2012). 'GUTES sehen, GUTES hören, GUTES sagen'- Pflegequalität als ein Thema für Österreich. Österreichisches Pflegezeitschrift, 21/2012: 19-22.
  • 2011
    • Amir Y, JMM Meijers and RJG Halfens (2011). Retrospective study of pressure ulcer prevalence in Dutch general hospitals since 2011. Journal of Wound Care; 20(1): 18-25.
    • Bosch M, RJM. Halfens, T van der Weijden, M Wensing, R Akkermans and R Grol (2011). Organizational culture, team climate and quality management in an important safety issue: nosocomial pressure ulcers. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing; 8(1): 4-14.
    • Breimaier HE, J Eichhorn-Kissel, J Kottner, E Meesterberends, JMM Meijers and NC Van Nie-Visser (2011). Editorial: The meaning of being a guest editor: a real challenge! Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2011; 20(17-18): 2383-4.
    • Breimaier HE, RJG. Halfens and C Lohrmann (2011). Nurses' wishes, knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers on implementing research findings into practice among graduate nurses in Austria. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 20(11-12): 1744-56.
    • Hahn S, M Müller, I Needham, T Dassen, G Kok and RJG Halfens (2011). Measuring patient and visitor violence in general hospitals: feasibility of the SOVES-G-R, internal consistency and construct validity of the POAS-S and the POIS. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010: 20(17-18) 2519-30.
    • Harding KG and D Queen (2011). Chronic wounds and their management and prevention is a significantpublic health issue. Editorial. Internation Wound Journal 7: 125-26.
    • Härlein J, RJG Halfens, T Dassen and NA Lahmann (2011). Falls in older hospital inpatients and the effect of cognitive impairment: a secondary analysis of prevalence studies. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 20(1-2): 175-83.
    • Van Leen M, S Hovius, J Neyens, RJG Halfens and JMGA Schols (2011). Pressure relief, cold foam or static air?: a single center, prospective, controlled randomized clinical trial in a Dutch nursing home. Journal of Tissue Viability; 20(1): 30-4.
    • Meesterberends E., RJG Halfens, C Heinze, C Lohrmann and JMGA. Schols (2011). Pressure ulcer incidence in Dutch and German nursing homes: design of a prospective multicenter cohort study. BMC Nursing; 10(1): 8.
    • Meesterberends E, RJG. Halfens, C Lohrmann and JMGA. Schols (2011). Evaluation of the dissemination and implementation of pressure ulcer guidelines in Dutch nursing homes. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical practice; 17(4): 705-12.
    • Nau J, T Dassen, I Needham and RJG Halfens (2011). Sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of Confidence in Managing Patient Aggresion Scale on de-escalating behaviour. Journal of Clinical Nursing 20(17-18): 2584-6.
    • Neelemaat F, JMM. Meijers, H Kruizinga, H van Ballegooijen and M van Bokhorst - de van der Schueren (2011). Comparison of five malnutrition screening tools in one hospital inpatient sample. Journal of Clinical Nursing (15-16): 2144-52.
    • Van Nie-Visser NC, JMM Meijers, JMGA. Schols, C Lohrmann, S Bartholomeyczik and RJG Halfens (2011). Comparing quality care in Dutch and German nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 20 (17-18): 2501-8.
    • Schönherr S, J Eichhorn-Kissel, C Lohrmann (2011). Pflegequalität transparent machen. ProCare, 01-02: 36-38.
    • Zeller A, T Dassen, G Kok, . Needham and RJG. Halfens (2011). Nursing Home caregivers' explanations for and coping strategies with residents' aggression: a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing 20 (17-18): 2469-78.
  • 2010
    • Bartholomeyczik S, S Reuther, L Luft, NC Van Nie, JMM Meijers, JMGA Schols and RJG Halfens (2010). Prevalence of malnutrition, interventions and quality indicators in German nursing homes: first results of a nationwide pilot study. Gesundheitswesen; 2010 Dec; 72(12): 868-74.
    • Bosch M, RJG Halfens, T van der Weijden, M Wensing, R Akkermans and R Grol (2010). Organizational culture, team climate, and quality management in an important patient safety issue: nosocomial pressure ulcers. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 2011, 8(1) 4-14
    • Du Moulin MFMT, MN Chenault, FES Tan, JPH Hamers and RJG Halfens (2010). Quality systems to improve care in elderly patients with urinary incontinence receiving homecare: do they work? Quality & Safety in Health Care; 2010; 19: 1-7.
    • Groβschädl F, P Prieschl, S Schönherr, S Schüssler, E Sippola-Puster, C Lohrmann (2010). Die Bedeutung von Prävalenzerhebungen für die Pflege. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 3: 8-10.
    • Hahn S, M Müller, I Needham, T Dassen, G Kok and RJG Halfens (2010). Measuring patient and visitor violence in general hospitals: feasibility of the SOVES-G-R, internal consistency and construct validity of the POAS-S and the POIS. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010; 20(17-18): 2519-30.
    • Kottner J and RJG Halfens (2010). Moisture lesions: interrater agreement and reliability. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(5-6): 716-20.
    • Kottner J and RJG Halfens (2010). Using statistical process control for monitoring the prevalence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Ostomy Wound Management; 56(5): 54-9.
    • Kottner J, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2010). Interrater reliability and agreement of the Care Dependency Scale in the home care setting in the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences; 2010; 24: 56-61.
    • Lahmann NA, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2010). Impact of prevention structures and processes on pressure ulcer prevalence in nursing homes and acute-care hospitals. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 16(1): 50-6.
    • Meesterberends E, RJG Halfens, C Lohrmann and R De Wit (2010). Pressure ulcer guideline development and dissemination in Europe. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 19(11-12): 1495-1503.
    • Meesterberends E, RJG Halfens, C Lohrmann, JMGA Schols and R De Wit (2010). Evaluation of the dissemination and implementation of pressure ulcer guidelines in Dutch nursing homes. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 17(2011): 705-712.
    • Meijers JMM, MA Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, JMGA Schols, PB Soeters and RJG Halfens (2010). Defining malnutrition: mission or mission impossible? Nutrition; 26(4): 432-440.
    • Mistiaen P, A Ament, AL Francke, W Achterberg, RJG Halfens, J Huizinga and H Post (2010). An economic appraisal of the Australian medical sheepskin for the prevention of sacral pressure ulcers from a nursing home perspective. BMC Health Services Research; 10(1): 226.
    • Müller R, RJG Halfens, R Schwendimann, M Müller, R Imoberdorf und PE Ballmer (2010). Risikofaktoren für Stürze und sturzbedingte Verletzungen im Akutspital: eine retrospektive Fall-Kontroll-Studie. Pflege, 22(6): 431-41.
    • Schönherr S, C Lohrmann (2010). Mangelernährung in sechs österreichische Pflegeheimen – ein heimliches Leid. ProCare, 15(3): 3-8.
    • Shahin ESM, JMM Meijers, JMGA Schols, A Tannen, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2010). The relationship between malnutrition parameters and pressure ulcers in hospitals and nursing homes. Nutrition; 26(9): 886-9.
    • Tannen A, K Balzer, J Kottner, T Dassen, RJG Halfens and E Mertens (2010). Diagnostic accuracy of two pressure ulcer risk scales and a generic nursing assessment tool: a psychometric comparison. Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 19(11-12): 1510-8.
    • Wilborn D, RJG Halfens, T Dassen und A Tannen (2010). Dekubitusprävalenzen in deutschen Pflegeheimen und Kliniken: welche Rolle spielt der nationale Expertenstandard Dekubitusprophylaxe in der Pflege? Gesundheitswesen; 72(4): 240-5.
  • 2009
    • Daniel-Wichern S, H Dudel, RJG Halfens and D Wilborn (2009). Theorie-Praxis-Transfer in der Altenpflege: Zusammenhang zwischen der Dekubitusprävalenz und der Implementierung des Expertenstandards. Pflegezeitschrift; 62(10): 612-6.
    • Du Moulin MFMT, JPH Hamers, AW Ambergen and RJG Halfens (2009). Urinary incontinence in older adults receiving home care diagnosis and strategies. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 23(2): 222-30.
    • Härlein J, T Dassen, RJG Halfens and C Heinze (2009). Fall risk factors in older people with dementia or cognitive impairment: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 65(5): 922-33.
    • Heinze C, T Dassen, RJG Halfens and C Lohrmann (2009). Screening the risk of falls: a general or a specific instrument? Journal of Clinical Nursing; 18(3): 350-6.
    • Jocham HR, T Dassen, G Widdershoven RJG and Halfens (2009). Reliability and validity of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in palliative care cancer patients. Central European Journal of Medicine, 4(3): 348-57.
    • Kottner J, K Raeder, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2009). A systematic review of interrater reliability of pressure ulcer classification systems. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 18(3): 315-36.
    • Kottner J, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2009). An interrater reliability study of the assessment of pressure ulcer risk using the Braden scale and the classification of pressure ulcers in a home care setting. International Journal of Nursing Studies; 46(10):1307-12.
    • Kottner J, A Tannen, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2009). Does the number of raters influence the pressure ulcer prevalence rate? Applied Nursing Research; 22(1): 68-72.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols, MA Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, T Dassen, MAP Janssen and RJG Halfens (2009). Malnutrition prevalence in The Netherlands: results of the Annual Dutch National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems. British Journal of Nutrition; 101(3): 417-23.
    • Meijers JMM, RJG Halfens, MA Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, T Dassen and JMGA Schols (2009). Malnutrition in Dutch healthcare: prevalence, prevention, treatment and quality indicators. Nutrition; 25(5): 512-9.
    • Meijers JMM, MJ Candel, JMGA Schols, MA Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren and RJG Halfens (2009). Decreasing trends in malnutrition prevalence rates explained by regular audits and feedback. Journal of Nutrition; 139(7): 1381-6.
    • Mertens EI, RJGHalfens, E Dietz, R Scheufele and T Dassen (2009). Pressure ulcer risk screening in hospitals and nursing homes with a general nursing assessment tool: evaluation of the care dependency scale. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2009, 14(6): 1018-25.
    • Mistiaen P, W Achterberg, A Ament, R Halfens, J Huizinga, K Montgomery, H Post and AL Frankce (2009). Cost-effectiveness of the Australian medical sheepskin for the prevention of pressure ulcers in somatic nursing home patients: study protocol for a prospective multi-centre randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN17553857). BMC Health Services Research, 2009, 8(4):1-25.
    • Müller R, RJG Halfens, R Schwendimann, M Müller, R Imoberdorf und PE Ballmer (2009). Risikofaktoren für Stürze und sturzbedingte Verletzungen im Akutspital: eine retrospektive Fall-Kontroll-Studie. Pflege; 22(6): 431-41.
    • Nau J, RJG Halfens, I Needham and T Dassen (2009). The de-escalating aggressive behaviour scale: development and psychometric testing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(9): 1956-64.
    • Nau J, T Dassen, I Needham and RJG Halfens (2009). The development and testing of a training course in aggression for nursing students: a pre- and post-test study. Nurse Education Today, 29(2): 196-207.
    • Neyens JCL, BPJ Dijcks, J Twisk, JMGA Schols, JCM van Haastregt, WJA van den Heuvel and LP de Witte (2009). A multifactorial intervention for the prevention of falls in psychogeriatric nursing home patients: a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Age and Ageing, 38(2): 194-9.
    • Offermans MP, MFMT Du Moulin, JPH Hamers, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2009). Prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated risk factors in nursing home residents: a systematic review. Neurourology and Urodynamics; 28(4): 288-94.
    • Saxer S, RA De Bie, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2009). Knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and self-reported practice concerning urinary incontinence in nursing home care. JWOCN; 36(5): 539-44.
    • Schlüer AB, E Cignacco, M Müller and RJG Halfens (2009). The prevalence of pressure ulcers in four paediatric institutions. Journal of Clinical Nursing; 18(23): 3244-52.
    • Shahin ES, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2009). Incidence, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in intensive care patients: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2009, 46(4): 413-21.
    • Shahin ES, T Dassen and RJ Halfens (2009). Pressure ulcer prevention in intensive care patients: guidelines and practice. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2009, 15(2): 370-4.
    • Sen CK, GM Gordillo, S Roy, R Kirsner , L Lambert , TK Hunt, F Gottrup , GC Gurtner and MT Longaker. (2009). Human skin wounds: A major threat to public health and the economy. Wound Rep Reg 2009; 17: 763-771.
    • Tannen A, E Dietz, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2009). Explaining the national differences in pressure ulcer prevalence between the Netherlands and Germany: adjusted for personal risk factors and institutional quality indicators. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 15(1): 85-90.
    • Tannen A, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2009). Response to Muurinen S et al. (2009). Journal of Clinical Nursing; 18(2): 1511-2.
    • Wilborn D, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2009). Evidence-based education and nursing pressure ulcer prevention textbooks: does it match? Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing; 6(3): 167-72.
    • Zeller A, Hahn S, Needham I, Kok G, Dassen T and Halfens RJG (2009). Aggressive behavior of nursing home residents toward caregivers: a systematic literature review. Geriatric Nursing, 30(3): 174-87.
  • 2008
    • Du Moulin MFMT, JPH Hamers, AW Ambergen, MAP Janssen and RJG Halfens (2008). Prevalence of urinary incontinence among community-dwelling adults receiving home care. Research in Nursing & Health, 2008, 31(6): 604-12.
    • Houwing R, W Van der Zwet, S Van Asbeck, R Halfens and JW Arends (2008). An unexpected detrimental effect on the incidence of heel pressure ulcers after local 5% DMSO cream application: a randomized, double-blind study in patients at risk for pressure ulcers. Wounds, 2008, 20(4): 84-8.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols, PA Jackson, G Langer, M Clark, RJG Halfens (2008). Differences in nutritional care in pressure ulcer patients whether or not using nutritional guidelines. Nutrition, 2008; 24(2): 127-32.
    • Mertens EI, T Dassen, RJG Halfens (2008). Using the care dependency scale for risk screening. Verpleegkunde, 2008, 23(1): 84.
    • Saxer S, RJG Halfens, RA De Bie and T Dassen (2008). Prevalence and incidence of urinary incontinence of Swiss nursing home residents at admission and after six, 12 and 24 months. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2008, 17(18): 2490-6.
    • Schlüer AB, E Cignacco, und RJG Halfens (2008). Dekubitusprävention und -therapie in der Pädiatrie: Ergebnisse einer deskriptiven Studie = Pressure ulcer prevention and therapy: results of a descriptive study. Pflegezeitschrift, 2008; 61(3): 158-61.
    • Shahin ES, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2008). Pressure ulcer prevalence in intensive care patients: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2008, 14(4): 563-8.
    • Shahin ES, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2008). Pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence in intensive care patients: a literature review. Nursing in Critical Care, 2008; 13(2): 71-9.
    • Soeters PB, PLM Reijven, MAE Van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, JMGA Schols, RJG Halfens, JMM Meijers and WG Van Gemerta (2008). A rational approach to nutritional assessment. Clinical Nutrition, 2008, 27(5): 706-16.
    • Tannen A. (2008) Dekubitusprävalenz und Dekubitusprävention in niederländischen und deutschen Einrichtungen der stationären Gesundheitsversorgung. Thesis. Berlin: Medizinische Fakultät der Charité-Universitätsmedizin.
    • Tannen A, T Dassen and R Halfens (2008). Differences in prevalence of pressure ulcers between the Netherlands and Germany: associations between risk, prevention and occurrence of pressure ulcers in hospitals and nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2008; 17: 1237-44.
  • 2007
    • Abderhalden C, I Needham, T Dassen, RJG Halfens, JE Fischer and HJ Haug (2007). Frequency and severity of aggressive incidents in acute psychiatric wards in Switzerland. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health, 3(1): 30.
    • Balzer K, C Pohl, T Dassen and R Halfens (2007). The Norton, Waterlow, Braden, and care dependency scales: comparing their validity when identifying patients' pressure sore risk. JWOCN, 2007, 34(4): 389-98.
    • Bielitz H, F Hertel, E Mertens und R Halfens (2007). Dekubitusprophylaxe in deutschen Kliniken: eine Analyse der Pflegpraxis bezogen auf die Empfehlungen des Expertenstandards. Pflegezeitschrift, 2007; 60(3): 140-4.
    • Du Moulin MFMT, JPH Hamers, A Paulus, CL Berendsen and RJG Halfens (2007). Effects of introducing a specialized nurse in the care of community-dwelling women suffering from urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. JWOCN, 2007; 34(6): 631-40.
    • Duimel-Peeters IG, RJG Halfens, AW Amsbergen, RH Houwing, MPF Berger and LH Snoeckx (2007). The effectiveness of massage with and without dimethyl sulfoxide in preventing pressure ulcers: a randomized, double-blind cross-over trial in patients prone to pressure ulcers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44(8): 1285-95.
    • Feuchtinger J, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2007). Pressure ulcer risk assessment immediately after cardiac surgery: does it make a difference?: A comparison of three pressure ulcer risk assessment instruments within a cardiac surgery population. Nursing in Critical Care, 2007; 12(1): 42-9.
    • Geschwindner HM, H Rettke, WJA van den Heuvel, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2007). Rehabilitation in acute stroke patients in German-speaking Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly, 137(13-14): 205-11.
    • Heinze C, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2007). Falls in German in-patients and residents over 65 years of age. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2007; 16(3): 495-501.
    • Hulsenboom MA, GJ Bours and RJG Halfens (2007). Knowledge of pressure ulcer prevention: a cross-sectional and comparative study among nurses. BMC Nursing, 2007; 6(1): 2.
    • Mertens EI, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2007). Using the care dependency scale for fall risk screening. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2007; 58(6): 594-601.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols, PA Jackson, G Langer, M Clark and RJG Halfens (2007). Evaluation of the dissemination and implementation of a nutritional guideline for pressure ulcer care. EPUAP Review, 2007, 8(1): 16-21.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols, PA Jackson, G Langer, M Clark and RJG Halfens (2007). Evaluation of the dissemination and implementation of a nutritional guideline for pressure ulcer care. Journal of Wound Care, 2007;16(5): 201-5.
    • Nau J, T Dassen, RJG Halfens and I Needham (2007). Nursing students' experiences in managing patient aggression. Nurse Education Today, 27: 933-46.
    • Offermans M, RJG Halfens, JPH Hamers and T Dassen (2007). Urinary incontinence in Dutch health care organizations. Neurology and Urodynamics, 26(5): 630-1.
    • Schols JMGA, JMM Meijers and M Clark (2007). Para a nutriçao e ùlceras de pressao: una nova norma Europeia. Feridas, 2007 ; 1(1) : 24-8.
    • Schols JMGA, RJG Halfens, JMM. Meijers and JTM Weststrate (2007). Pressure ulcer care in the Netherlands: a short historical overview. EPUAP Review, 2007; 8(1): 13-5.
    • Shaheen ESM, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2007). Predictive validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools in intensive care patients. World of Critical Care Nursing, 2007; 5(3): 75-9.
  • 2006
    • Abderhalden C, I Needham, T Dassen, RJG Halfens, HJ Haug and J Fischer (2006). Predicting inpatient violence using an extended version of the Brøset-Violence-Checklist: instrument development and clinical application. BMC Psychiatry, 6:17.
    • Feuchtinger J, R de Bie, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2006). A 4-cm thermoactive viscoelastic foam pad on the operating room table to prevent pressure ulcer during cardiac surgery. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2006; 15(2): 162-7.
    • Hahn S, I Needham, C Abderhalden, JAD Duxbury and RJG Halfens (2006). The effect of a training course on mental health nurses’ attitudes on the reasons of patient aggression and its management. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13(2): 197-204.
    • Heinze C, RJG Halfens, S Roll and T Dassen (2006). Psychometric evaluation of the Hendrich Fall Risk Model. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2006; 53(3): 327-32.
    • Helberg D, E Mertens, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2006). Treatment of pressure ulcers: results of a study comparing evidence and practice. Ostomy Wound Management, 2006; 52(8): 60-72.
    • Jocham HR, T Dassen, G Widdershoven and RJG Halfens (2006). Quality of life in palliative care cancer patients: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15(9): 1188-95.
    • Kottner J, D Helberg, E Mertens, RJG Halfens und T Dassen (2006). Versorgung oft noch nicht evidenzbasiert. Pflegezeitschrift, 59(8): 488-92.
    • Lahmann NA, RJ Halfens and T Dassen (2006). Effect of non-response bias in pressure ulcer prevalence studies. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 2006; 55(2): 230-6.
    • Lahmann NA, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2006). Pressure ulcers in German nursing homes and acute care hospitals: prevalence, frequency, and ulcer characteristics. Ostomy Wound Management, 2006; 52(2): 20-33.
    • Meijers JMM, MAP Janssen, GG Cummings, L Wallin, CA Estabrooks and RJG Halfens (2006). Assessing the relationships between contextual factors and research utilization in nursing: systematic literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 55(5): 622-35.
    • Neyens JCL, BPJ Dijcks, JCM van Haastregt, LP de Witte, WJA van de Heuvel, HFJM Crebolder and JMGA Schols (2006). The development of a multidisciplinary fall risk evaluation tool for demented nursing home patients in the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, 2006, 6:74
    • Tannen A, G Bours, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2006). A comparison of pressure ulcer prevalence rates in nursing homes in the Netherlands and Germany, adjusted for population characteristics. Research in Nursing & Health, 2006; 29(6): 588-96.
    • Tannen A, R Halfens und T Dassen.(2006). Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten. Pflegezeitschrift, 2006; 8: 502-4.
    • Wilborn D, R Halfens and T Dassen (2006). Pressure ulcer: prevention protocols and prevalence. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2006; 12(6): 630-8.
    • Zeller A, I Needham und RJG Halfens (2006). Effekt einer Schulung in Aggressionsmanagement bei Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Pflegeausbildung. Pflege, 19(4): 251-8.
  • 2005
    • Defloor T, L Schoonhoven, RJG Halfens et al. (2005). Statement of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel: pressure ulcer classification. JWOCN, 32(5): 302-6.
    • Du Moulin MFMT, JPH Hamers, A Paulus, C Berendsen and RJG Halfens (2005). The role of the nurse in community continence care: a systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2005; 42(4): 479-92.
    • Duimel-Peeters IGP, RJG Halfens, MPF Berger and LHEH Snoeckx (2005). The effects of massage as a method to prevent pressure ulcers: a review of the literature. Ostomy Wound Management, 51(4): 70-80.
    • Duimel-Peeters IGP, RJG Halfens, MPF Berger und LHEH Snoeckx (2005). Massage zur Dekubitusprophylaxe? 1: Richtlinien sind noch nicht genügend in der Praxis angekommen. Pflegezeitschrift, 58(5): 318-21.
    • Duimel-Peeters IGP, RJG Halfens, LHEH Snoeckx und MPF Berger (2005). Massage zur Dekubitusprophylaxe? 2: drei Interventionen im Vergleich. Pflegezeitschrift, 58(6): 364-7.
    • Feuchtinger J, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2005). Pressure ulcer risk factors in cardiac surgery: a review of the research literature. Heart & Lung, 2005; 34(6): 375-85.
    • Hulsenboom MA and RJG Halfens (2005). Efficient prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers at home by an adequate use of anti-pressure sore materials. Verpleegkunde, 20(2): 130-1.
    • Lahmann NA, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2005). Prevalence of pressure ulcers in Germany. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(2): 165-72.
    • Meijers JMM, JMGA Schols, MAE van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren, T Dassen and RJG Halfens (2006). Prevalence of malnutrition in Dutch health-care organizations. Clinical Nutrition, 2005, 24(6): 1119
    • Needham I, C Abderhalden, RJG Halfens, JE Fischer and T Dassen (2005). Non-somatic effects of patient aggression on nurses: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(3): 283-96.
    • Needham I, C Abderhalden, RJG Halfens, T Dassen, HJ Haug and JE Fischer (2005). The effect of a training course in aggression management on mental health nurses’ perceptions of aggression: a cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42: 649-55.
    • Needham I, C Abderhalden, A Zeller, T Dassen, HJ Haug, JE Fischer and RJG Halfens (2005). The effect of a training course on nursing students’ attitudes toward, perceptions of, and confidence in managing patient aggression. Journal of Nursing Education, 44(9): 415-20.
    • Needham I, C Abderhalden, RJG Halfens, T Dassen, HJ Haug and JE Fischer (2005). The impact of patient aggression on carers scale: instrument derivation and psychometric testing. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 19(3): 296-300.
    • Saxer S, Halfens RJG, Müller M and Dassen T (2005). Risk factors for urinary incontinence in nursing home residents. Swiss Medical Weekly, 135(33-34): 495-502.
    • Schmid-Büchi S, T Dassen und RJG Halfens (2005). Die Erfahrung, an Brustkrebs zu erkranken, und wie die betroffenen Frauen ihr Leben wieder unter Kontrolle bringen. Pflege, 18(6): 345-52.
  • 2004
    • Bours GJJW, RJG Halfens, MJJM Candel, H Huijer Abu-Saad and RTPM Grol (2004). A pressure ulcer audit and feedback project across multi-hospital settings in The Netherlands. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2004; 16(3):211-8.
    • Buss IC, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad and G Kok (2004). Pressure ulcer prevention in nursing homes: views and beliefs of enrolled nurses and other health care workers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2004; 13: 668-76.
    • Needham I, C Abderhalden, T Dassen, HJ Haug, RJG Halfens and JE Fischer (2004). The effectiveness of two interventions in the management of patient violence in psychiatry: report on a pilot study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 11(5): 595-601.
    • Tannen A, T Dassen, G Bours and RJG Halfens (2004). A comparison of pressure ulcer prevalence: concerted data collection in the Netherlands and Germany. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2004; 41(6): 607-12.
  • 2003
    • Bours GJJW, RJG Halfens, MPF Berger, H Huijer Abu-Saad and RTPM Grol (2003). The development of a model for case-mix adjustment of pressure ulcer prevalence rates. Medical Care, 2003. 41(1): p. 45-55.
    • Bräutigam K, A Flemming, RJG Halfens and T Dassen (2003). Dekubitusprävention: Theorie und Praxis. Pflege, 2003. 16(2): p. 75-82.
    • Duimel-Peeters IGP, RH Houwing, CP Teunissen, MPF Berger, LHEH Snoeckx and RJG Halfens (2003). A systematic review of the efficacy of topical skin application of dimethyl sulfoxide on wound healing and as an anti-inflammatory drug. Wounds, 15(11): 361-70.
    • Graham ID, MB Harrison, EA Nelson, K Lorimer and A Fisher (2003). Prevalence of lower limb ulceration: a systematic review of prevalence studies. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 16 305-316.
  • 2002
    • Bours GJJW, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad and RTPM Grol (2002). Prevalence prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: descriptive study in 89 institutions in the Netherlands. Research in Nursing and Health, 2002, 25 (2), 99-110.
    • Buss IC, RJG Halfens and H Huijer Abu-Saad (2002). The most effective time interval for repositioning subjects at risk of pressure sore development: a literature review. Rehabilitation Nursing, 2002, 27 (2), 59-66.
    • Cooper RA (2002). The contribution of microbial virulence to wound infection. Br J Nurs 2002;7 (3 suppl.): 10-14.
    • Halfens RJG and GJJW Bours (2002). Prevalence and incidence study Sparks issues [letter]. Ostomy Wound Management, 2002, 48 (3), 10-12.
    • Tiesinga LJ, A Dijkstra, TWN Dassen, RJG Halfens and WJA Heuvel (2002). Are nurses able to assess fatigue, exertion fatigue and types of fatigue in residential home patients? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 129-236.
  • 2001
    • Bours GJJW, E De Laat, RJG Halfens and M Lubbers (2001). Prevalence, risk factors and prevention of pressure ulcers in Dutch intensive care units: results of a cross-sectional survey. Intensive Caremed, 2001, 27, 1599-1605.
    • Dassen T, HJ Eisermann, RJG Halfens, K Balzer, C Schmiedl, G Schmitz, E Mertens und A Tannen (2001). Pilotstudie zur Dekubitusprevalenz: der erste Schritt zu vergleichbaren Zahlen. Pflegezeitschrift, 2001, 5, 337-41.
    • Halfens RJG, GJJW Bours and CM Bronner (2001). The impact of assessing the prevalence of pressure ulcers on the willingness of health care institutions to plan and implement activities to reduce the prevalence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2001, 36 (5), 617-625.
    • Halfens RJG, GJJW Bours and JF Van Ast (2001). Relevance of the diagnosis 'stage 1 pressure ulcer’: an empirical study of the clinical course of stage 1 ulcers in acute care and long-term care hospital populations. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2001, 10, 748-57.
    • Halfens RJG and JRG Haalboom (2001). What has been written about pressure ulcers: a historical overview of research articles. Journal of Ostomy Wound Management, 47(11): 36–43.
    • Tiesinga LT, TWN Dassen, RJG Halfens and WJA van den Heuvel (2001). Sensitivity, specificity, and usefulness of the Dutch fatigue scale. Nursing Diagnosis, 12(3): 93-106.
    • Tiesinga LJ, TWN Dassen, RJG Halfens, et al. (2001). Are significant others able accurately to assess fatigue, exertion fatigue and types of fatigue in domiciliary heart patients? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 15: 66-73.
  • 2000
    • Halfens RJG, T Van Achterberg and RM Bal (2000). Validity and reliability of the Braden scale and the influence of other risk factors: a multi-centre prospective. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2000, 37 (4), 313-319.
    • Halfens RJG (2000). Can pressure ulcer prevention be a waste of time? EPUAP Review, 2000, 2 (3), 73-4.
    • Halfens RJG (2000). Risk assessment scales for pressure ulcers: a theoretical, methodological and clinical perspective. Journal of Ostomy Wound Management, 2000, 46 (8), 36-44.
    • Jaarsma T, RJG Halfens, F Tan, H Huijer Abu-Saad, K Dracup and J Diederiks (2000). Self-care and quality of life in patients with advanced heart failure: the effect of a supportive educational intervention. Heart and Lung, 29 (5): 319-330.
    • Jaarsma T, H Huijer Abu-Saad, K Dracup and RJG Halfens (2000). Self-care behaviour of patients with heart failure. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 14: 112-119.
    • Seaman S (2000) Considerations for the global assessment and treatment of patients with recalcitrant wounds. Ostomy & Wound Management, 46 suppl. 1A 10S-29S.
  • 1999
    • Bates-Jensen BM (1999) Chronic wound assessment. Surgical Clinics of North America, 34 799-845.
    • Bours GJJW, RJG Halfens, M Lubbers and J Haalboom (1999). The development of a national registration form to measure the prevalence of pressure ulcers in the Netherlands. Ostomy Wound Management, 1999, 45 (11), 20-40.
    • Buss IC, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad and G Kok (1999). Evidence based nursing practice: both state of the art in general and specific to pressure sores. Journal of Professional Nursing, 1999, 15 (2), 73-83.
    • Capezutti E, NE Strumpf, LK Evans, and G Maislin (1999). Outcomes of nighttime physical restraint removal for severe impaired nursing home residents. Am J Alzheimer’s Disease 1999 (14); 157-64.
    • Halfens RJG and GJJW Bours (1999). Prevalence of pressure ulcers in the Netherlands. EPUAP Review, 1999 (2), 35.
    • Halfens RJG, van A Alphen, A Hasman and H Philipsen (1999). The effect of item observability, clarity and wording on patient/nurse ratings when using the ASA scale. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 13(3): 159-164.
    • Hamers JPH, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad, FER Geisler, HJA Schouten, MA van den Hout and HA van Suijlekom (1999). The effect of paracetamol, fentanyl, and systematic assessments on children's pain after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 14(6): 357-366.
    • Jaarsma T, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad, K Dracup, J Stappers and J van Ree (1999). Quality of life in older patients with systolic and diastolic heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure, 1: 151-160.
    • Melchior MEW, RJG Halfens, H Huijer Abu-Saad, H Philipsen, AA van den Berg and P Gassman (1999). The effects of primary nursing on work-related factors. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(1): 88-96.
    • Neufeld RR, LS Libow, WJ Foley, JM Dunbar, C Cohen and B Breuer (1999). Restraint reduction reduces serious injuries among nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc 1999 (47); 1202-7
    • Tiesinga LJ, TWN Dassen, RJG Halfens and WJA van den Heuvel (1999). Factors related to fatigue: priority of interventions to reduce or eliminate fatigue and the exploration of a multidisciplinary research model for further study of fatigue. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 36: 265-280.

Nationale Prävalenzmessung Sturz und Dekubitus